
A quick guide to smart meters

As you might expect, a smart meter contains lots of clever technology. Their defining feature is their ability to keep both you, and your energy provider up to speed on your energy consumption. It will make energy transactions more transparent and could reduce your energy bills. So, how does it all work? Smart meters are the next generation of electricity and gas meters. Designed to replace the tired old models that lurk in the corner of your basement, the new intelligent designs use GPRS technology to communicate real-time information directly to suppliers. With smart meters, the days of taking meter readings are over. You can be safe in the knowledge that your energy bill is 100% accurate with no costly supplier estimates. The other advantage of smart meters is that YOU can easily access the consumption data. Your energy usage information is provided on an accompanying in-home display that helps you make informed decisions to manage energy costs. Research shows that, just knowing how much energy they are using is enough to make people more conservative about their consumption.

Shrink your carbon footprint

Smart meters have the power to reduce carbon emissions as well as energy bills. They also allow consumers a higher degree of control over their energy consumption. Because of this, the UK government plans to have a smart meter in every home and business by the end of 2020. It is also thought that smart metering will allow for greater efficiencies in the energy network by balancing energy supplies more accurately with consumption patterns. Smart meters are often confused with less advanced energy monitors. Although they both give you real time energy usage information, smart meters are different because of their ability to communicate with providers. They also differ because smart meters have to be installed by a trained engineer. If you’d like more information on these and other energy efficiency services, please contact us    

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